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MScChemical and Biological Engineering - Thesis

More information




Our graduate program in Chemical and Biological Engineering is an interdisciplinary program that combines chemical engineering fundamentals and systems biology to meet the research challenges of the future.

You can view the research areas of the faculty members here gsse.ku.edu.tr/en/graduate-programs/chemical-and-biological-engineering/faculty/

As an MS Thesis program, all admitted candidates are evaluated for full scholarships funded by KU or external sources as explained here gsse.ku.edu.tr/en/admissions/financial-aid-packages/

Programme structure

The M.S. Program with Thesis option requires that the students successfully complete a minimum of 21 credits with 7 courses.

In addition to the credit courses, students must complete the non-credit courses; CHBI 590 Seminar, ENGL 500 Graduate Writing and TEAC 500 Teaching Experience.

In addition to course work, students are engaged in thesis research. Every student is supervised by an advisor.

Apply now! Spring semester 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Dec 2024, 23:59:59
Turkey Time
Apply now! Spring semester 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Dec 2024, 23:59:59
Turkey Time