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BScElectrical and Electronics Engineering

Tuition fee US$26,000 per year
Application fee TRY 600 one-time

Non-Refundable Application Fee

More information



Koç University BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program has a duration of 4 years, is taught in English, and offers a supportive learning environment of small class sizes, excellent professors, and academic and extra-curricular support services for international students (Careers Services, International Office, Counselling, Student Clubs, Office of Learning and Teaching and more).

Our Electrical and Electronics Engineering program gives students a strong background in physical sciences, mathematics, and computational methods as well as the basic area concepts, such as electronic circuits, analog, and digital systems, communications, electromagnetics, and control systems.

Our graduates gain the ability to apply a combination of theory, computational simulation, and laboratory experimentation techniques to design and analyze electronic and/or optical components, systems, hardware-software systems, or software systems of varying complexity in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices.

We offer 5 tracks in:

  • Digital Communications
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Multimedia Networking
  • Electronic Systems
  • Optics and Electromagnetics

Additionally, students can benefit from doing double majors, minors, summer internships, and semester exchange periods at top-rated Engineering programs in our partner universities in the US, Europe, and Asia for no extra cost.

The department also encourages undergraduate students to participate as research interns in one of the 100+ research laboratories available at Koç University.

Programme structure

Programme curriculum”:https://ee.ku.edu.tr/undergraduate/ug-curriculum-2/”

Career opportunities

You can see Career paths of our Electrical and Engineering graduates from our Career Development Center First Destination Survey”:https://career.ku.edu.tr/en/employers/first-destination-survey-reports/”.

Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Turkey Time

Regular deadline

Studies commence
7 Oct 2024
Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Apply now! Fall semester 2024/25
Application deadline
31 Jul 2024, 23:59:59
Turkey Time

Regular deadline

Studies commence
7 Oct 2024