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PhDCellular and Molecular Medicine

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The Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CAMM) Program is an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program that encompasses several scientific fields such as Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Biochemistry. It aims to train scientists at the cellular and molecular level with a direct impact on the understanding of human physiology and diseases. The Ph.D. graduates of this program will have strong scientific training and will be able to make advances for understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases.

With the recent advances in technologies, we now better understand the molecular and cellular basis of diseases. The new discoveries made in the areas of life sciences and their clinical applications pose an increased and unmet need in training programs that bridge the traditional basic science and medicine. Our CAMM program is suited to fulfill this need and train scientists from diverse backgrounds.

The faculty members of this graduate program are from several different schools including the School of Medicine, Engineering, and Science, located at the main Koç University Campus in Sarıyer and the Health Sciences Campus in Topkapı. Providing a unique interdisciplinary graduate training experience, the faculty members are also globally recognized for their research in cancer, stem cells, vascular biology, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology, physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology.

The CAMM program prepares students for a variety of careers in teaching and research in both academia and industry in Turkey and abroad. With the training gained during the program, the Ph.D. students will develop analytical and scientific thinking skills, learn how to conduct experiments rigorously, publish their own work, and acquire a general understanding of the areas related to their research field. The students will also have a strong understanding of the clinical significance and the potential medical applications of their research by having access to state-of-the-art Koç University Hospital and its clinicians.

The CAMM program is offered in English and all research activities are conducted in English.

Programme structure

The Ph.D. is a full-time, course-based, 4-5 year interdisciplinary doctoral program with a Ph.D. qualifier exam and a doctoral thesis (dissertation) requirement supervised by a faculty member.

Apply now! Spring semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
15 May 2025, 23:59:59
Turkey Time
Apply now! Spring semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
15 May 2025, 23:59:59
Turkey Time